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Sunrise hat ZR1 als Freund markiert.
Sunrise hat DeMariaa als Freund markiert.
Sunrise hat MelOdie als Freund markiert.
Sunrise hat Sanege als Freund markiert.
Sunrise hat Sarah06 als Freund markiert.
Sunrise hat aVeel als Freund markiert.
Sunrise hat Niki199916 als Freund markiert.
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It´s finally happened!!! ♥ December 31- The best day of my life. Love u, sweetheart ♥ Forever yours ♥

Zuletzt hier: 26.08.2015Mitglied seit: 02.03.2014Geburtstag: 6.9.1994 (30)

Blog-Einträge von Amazing2014
29.07.2014 - 11:25 h So happy to be back
13 years we were separated from each other. Now we are finally together again. On this distance of over 7000 kilometers you stand by me in good and bad times and have never pushed me from you. How often I wished that you are with me and are holding me just only in your arms, to hear me. But we could just make calls or talk on Skype. That eased the pain a little, but it was not the same as when we saw each other. I fell into a deep hole of sadness because you weren´t there. The distance has added me. But together we have made ​​it.

I'm so glad to finally be with you again. I love you dad.

We can not undo 13 years, but we can make something special of our years together. I'll never leave you again.

In love, your daughter :hug:


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