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Video von Sloth
26.12.2014 um 12:23 h Significant Other - Hardcore Superstar

Tell me, so I can see the state of mind you're in
Feel me, am I the only one who knows your sin?
It's easy to see when you drop your cover
It's obvious you hide your significant other
"Time will tell" said the angel above
When the truth comes out just like a flying dove

On and on, you try those wings
But they never ever managed to take you far
On and on, you say those things
Stop and throw it out just like a shooting star
You say you want it but there's nothing really to it
Even if you want to believe it yourself
You want to hear that, feel that
Even if it breaks your mind

I hear you,
like the wind that blows around my feet
I see you, as you're walking through those shadows
of love and hate
It's easy to see when you drop your cover
It's obvious you hide your significant other
The truth is out, even if it's cold
Things in my head and stories to be told

On and on, you try those wings
But they never ever managed to take you far
On and on, you say those things
Stop and throw it out just like a shooting star
You say you want it but there's nothing really to it
Even if you want to believe it yourself
You want to hear that, feel that
Even if it breaks your mind

You say you want it but there's nothing really to it
Even if you want to believe it yourself
You want to hear that, feel that
Even if it breaks your mind

It's easy to see when you drop your cover
It's obvious you hide your significant other
It's easy to see when you drop your cover
It's obvious you hide your significant other

You say you want it but there's nothing really to it
Even if you want to believe it yourself
You want to hear that, feel that
Even if it breaks your mind

You say you want it but there's nothing really to it
Even if you want to believe it yourself
You want to hear that, feel that
Even if it breaks your mind

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Hardcore Superstar Album T-Shirt Black XL
17,15 €
Stand: 23.11.2024
29,53 €
Stand: 23.11.2024
Significant Other
1,29 €
Stand: 23.11.2024
Hardcore aus der Ersten..
9,49 €
Stand: 23.11.2024


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