Zuletzt hier: 07.12.2018Mitglied seit: 15.08.2017Geburtstag: 22.11.1991 (33)
Video von CharlieBradbury
16.08.2017 um 17:07 h
Schön und traurig zugleich.
Quarter past four and I'm feeling alright
I'd love to close my eyes, but I can never rest my mind
Thinking where I'm going to and where I've been
While a thousand other worries are floating in the wind
And I can't keep them all away
But it turns out fine
It turns out fine
And I can't keep them all away
But it turns out fine
It turns out fine
Never really thought I'd get to see this day
When my heart is in the future while my body rides the wave
Thankful everyday I get to rise again
When my eyes start to open as the sunlight warms my skin
And I have troubles everyday
But it turns out fine
It turns out fine
And I fight to keep them all away
But it turns out fine
It turns out fine
Quarter past four and I'm feeling alright
I'd love to close my eyes, but I can never rest my mind
Thinking where I'm going to and where I've been
While a thousand other worries are floating in the wind
And I can't keep them all away
But it turns out fine
It turns out fine
And I can't keep them all away
But it turns out fine
It turns out fine
Never really thought I'd get to see this day
When my heart is in the future while my body rides the wave
Thankful everyday I get to rise again
When my eyes start to open as the sunlight warms my skin
And I have troubles everyday
But it turns out fine
It turns out fine
And I fight to keep them all away
But it turns out fine
It turns out fine
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