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Video von Herzensstille
22.03.2020 um 22:49 h Yours Truly - High Hopes

Okay, zugegeben: bis eben konnte ich mit dem Begriff "Pop Punk" nichts anfangen. Pop kannte ich, Punk auch. Aber Pop Punk?

Lasst uns Begriffe beiseite schieben und einfach den fetzigen Sound von Yours Truly aus Australien genießen. Frontfrau Mikaila Delgado und ihre Band haben mit "High Hopes" nicht etwa ein Cover des "Panic At The Disco"-Titels produziert, vielmehr geht es um enttäuschte Hoffnungen in der Partnerschaft, verpackt in ein eigenes Stück.

You got the nerve to come and say
That you're not standing in my way
When we both know
That you're not who you say you are
And you're a mess
And you know it
Even though you try real hard still show it
Still show it
You can't take it back
With all I tried
All I know's that
You can't shape me
I've been up and I've been down
And I was kinda hoping
You could be my hero
You could be my hero
Well I've had high hopes up till now
And I was kinda hoping
You could be my hero
You could be my hero
Are we okay, we alright
Heard you've been having sleepless nights
Now I know that
We can't go back
Back to how things used to be
Seasons still change
But you'll still be the same
You can't take it back
With all I tried
All I know's that
You can't shape me
I've been up and I've been down
And I was kinda hoping
You could be my hero
You could be my hero
Well I've had high hopes up till now
And I was kinda hoping
You could be my hero
You could be my hero
Seasons still change
But you'll still be the same
You'll be the same
You can't take it back
With all I tried
And I know that
You can't shape me
I've been up and I've been down
And I was kinda hoping
You could be my hero
You could be my hero
Well I've had high hopes up till now
And now I've realised
You'll never be my hero
Never be my hero
You'll never be my hero

Quelle: Musixmatch

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