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Brieffreunde gesucht:
Zuletzt hier: 01.12.2015Mitglied seit: 05.02.2010Geburtstag: 28.7.1994 (30)

Blog-Einträge von MorganLK
06.02.2010 - 02:00 h Hallo! :)
So. I'm going to write this in English, because I can't possibly say everything I want to and translate all of it into German by myself. That would require effort on my part, und ich bin sehr faul. Those who want to improve on their English can enjoy the challenge of figuring out what I'm saying, haha!

Anyway, I'm fifteen as of right now, and ich habe Geburtstag am achtundzwanzigsten der Juli. Did I say that right? I hope so. I really, really want to learn as much German as I possibly can, because sometime in the summer of 2012, I'm going to Deutschland (jaaaaa!) to take a tour. Meine Oma kommt aus Deutschland. ^_^ Sie wohnt jetzt in Amerika. And she's taking me to Germany when I graduate from high school. Yes, yes, yes...

So when Frau Paul, meine Deutschleherin, told me that this Brieffreunde stuff is really big in Germany, I got excited. It was a big oppurtunity for me to improve on my German. I've only been in German class for two years as of now, but I can be an over-achiever when I'm not being lazy. :)

A bit about me: I love the color purple, and my favorite animal is the brown fruit bat. Aren't they cute? I have a dog named Peanut and a cat named Squeaker. I also have a thirteen year old brother named James. I'm not really into sports, but I do exercise. I'm in color guard. I get good grades in school. I'm friendly to everybody and a generally happy person.

I would be forever grateful if you would write to me and help me improve on my German. I'll be glad to help you with English.

Bis später!



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