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Zuletzt hier: 01.12.2015Mitglied seit: 05.02.2010Geburtstag: 28.7.1994 (30)

Blog-Einträge von MorganLK
26.11.2011 - 16:26 h I'm back!
After a long hiatus, I'm back to! My German, I think, is much better, as I'm now going into the fifth level of German at my school (it's a college/university level of German!). I still want to get better, though! And I absolutely love to help people with their English. So keep those messages coming, and I'll answer them as soon as I can!

Some updates: I'm now seventeen years old and in my last year of high school, 12th grade. I just applied for a job as a cashier at a local convenience store, so wish me luck in getting it! I have a lot of stressful classes this year at school, so I'm sorry if I can't get back to you right away. I still love to read and write and want to go into college as an English major. I'd love to be an author someday! I still consider myself a happy, kind person, so don't be afraid to message me, no matter how bad your English is. xD I'll help you with that. And I'm still going to Germany when I'm eighteen!

See you soon! Thanks, guys!



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