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Spring einfach und lass dir auf dem Weg nach unten Flügel wachsen! (Christina von Dreien)

Zuletzt hier: 09.02.2025Mitglied seit: 07.02.2010Geburtstag: ---

Blog-Einträge von AfterDark
02.01.2025 - 15:06 h Und weiter geht´s...
"Ich trinke auf
Auf gute Freunde
Verlorene Liebe
Auf alte Götter
Und auf neue Ziele
Auf den ganz normalen Wahnsinn
Auf das, was einmal war
Darauf, dass alles endet
Und auf ein neues Jahr
Auf ein neues Jahr"
- Auf gute Freunde von den Böhsen Onkelz -

Auch wenn ich die Euphorie zum Jahreswechsel nicht verstehen kann (ein neuer Tag ist ein neuer Tag, egal in welchem Monat oder in welchem Jahr) - wenn ich bedenke, was innerhalb der letzten 365 Tage so alles bei mir los war... Da kann ich nur hoffen, daß es jetzt ruhiger für mich wird! :smile:


19.09.2010 - 17:04 h Himmel vs. Hölle
In den Himmel kommen nur Mormonen (Quelle: South Park)

In die Hölle kommen Rock- und Metal-Fans (Quelle: Little Nicky – Satan Junior)

Die Toten Hosen sangen 1996:
„Ich will nicht ins Paradies,
wenn der Weg dorthin so schwierig ist,
wenn ich nicht rein darf, wie ich bin,
bleib ich draußen vor der Tür.“

D-A-D sangen 1989:
“They throw the best damn parties at the rim of hell”

Noch Fragen??? :wink:


18.04.2010 - 01:12 h Lawrence of Suburbia (D-A-D)
Wide eyed
Open mouthed
Blank faced
Low clouds
Long walk
Up from hell
But I came back
Back unbent
What it means
Is that I'm good
That much
Is understood
But all in the room
Is dark because
Life is no longer what it was

Lawrence of Suburbia
Real life is murder
Wake up from Utopia
On it again
All aboard the moneytrain

As a rule
I'm distant
I'm cool
Not the same
As before
I've folded up suicide
In four
But this dirty sun
Shining down
Pierce the dark
And the sound
All you'll see
Is a tightlipped smile
On a scared little man
As the train runs wild...

Mein absoluter Lieblingssong! :dance:


11.04.2010 - 18:03 h Grow or Pay (D-A-D)
There was a real thin line
Between right or wrong
In those Walt Disney times
When my parents were young..
But the line has disappeared...
And you wonder where it hides....
And you wanna go out; but you stay inside.....

I got run over by truth one day
Didn't see the red light
Since the accident I've walked this way
- I only did what felt right...
But from this day on; it's either: grow or pay!
Grow or pay
'Coz I got run over by truth one day

Sometimes the sky's so grey
That you cannot see beyond it
And even the wildest of dreams
- Can't take those lines from your forehead
Yeah! I know there's a bill
- And it's gonna make it's way somehow
With and excuse and a bow; I'll be paying it now:

I got run over by truth one day
Didn't see the red light
Since the accident I've walked this way
- I only did what felt right...
But from this day on; it's either: grow or pay!
Grow or pay
'Coz I got run over by truth one day
Grow or pay
From this day on it's either: grow or pay
Grow or pay


07.03.2010 - 19:27 h Weit weg (Böhse Onkelz)
Unsere Chance hat die Stadt verlassen
Wir stehen vor dem Nichts
Wie Sterne, die ins dunkel fallen
Sterbendes Licht

Es riecht nach Herbst
Nach Untergang und Särgen
Winter im Herz, keine rühmliche Zeit
Man fühlt den Sommer sterben


16.02.2010 - 19:39 h Jacketless In December (D-A-D)
I'm freezing
Them I'm letting go
You only hear the silent snow
Running from it; am I getting weak?
But what are friends for
I only remember:
Jacketless in icecold december

In a dream, but wide awake
Now I know my own mistakes
- from without - to within...
Now I'll live with everything

Blame another, but the shame is in your mind
For what is lost and hard to find
The door is closed, to light and truth
What are friends for
Yeah, I remember:
Jacketless in icecold december

In a dream, but wide awake
Now I know my own mistakes
- from without - to within...
Now I'll live with everything

I've seen how the world appears
- through a mist of tears
I've been in a very bad mood,
as if I knew...
You always end up empty
- so full of yourself
I can safely say now,
even the oldest trick that exist:
That you can still disappoint a pessimist!

In a dream, but wide awake
Now I know my own mistakes
- from without - to within...
Now I'll live with everything


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