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Video von XKirschVanilleX
15.03.2011 um 20:48 h
Tarja - I walk alone
Put all your angels on the edge
Keep all the roses, I'm not dead
I left a thorn under your bed
I'm never gone
Go tell the world I'm still around
I didn't fly, I'm coming down
You are the wind, the only sound
Whisper to my heart
When hope is torn apart
And no one can save you
I walk alone
Every step I take
I walk alone
My winter storm
Holding me awake
It's never gone
When I walk alone
Go back to sleep forever more
Far from your fools and lock the door
They're all around and they'll make sure
You don't have to see
What I turned out to be
No one can help you
I walk alone
Every step I take
I walk alone
My winter storm
Holding me awake
It's never gone
When I walk alone
Waiting up in heaven
I was never far from you
Spinning down I felt your every move
I walk alone
Every step I take
I walk alone
My winter storm
Holding me awake
It's never gone
When I walk alone
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Put all your angels on the edge
Keep all the roses, I'm not dead
I left a thorn under your bed
I'm never gone
Go tell the world I'm still around
I didn't fly, I'm coming down
You are the wind, the only sound
Whisper to my heart
When hope is torn apart
And no one can save you
I walk alone
Every step I take
I walk alone
My winter storm
Holding me awake
It's never gone
When I walk alone
Go back to sleep forever more
Far from your fools and lock the door
They're all around and they'll make sure
You don't have to see
What I turned out to be
No one can help you
I walk alone
Every step I take
I walk alone
My winter storm
Holding me awake
It's never gone
When I walk alone
Waiting up in heaven
I was never far from you
Spinning down I felt your every move
I walk alone
Every step I take
I walk alone
My winter storm
Holding me awake
It's never gone
When I walk alone
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I Walk Alone (Ltd. 10" Single Vinyl White) [Vinyl LP]
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I Walk Alone (Artist Version)
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I Walk Alone
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I Walk Alone
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