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Blog-Einträge von kaishaneu
01.11.2010 - 19:18 h
Say NO – UNiTE to End Violence against Women is a global call for action. Weitere Infos: http://www.myspace.com/nicolekidman#ixzz142txZWLa
Ich finde das ne sehr gute und wichtige Aktion!! Ja und auf diesem Wege möcht ich eben meinen Beitrag dazu leisten. (Siehe Unten.)
Kuckt es Eucht an.
Ganz liebe und sonnige Grüße an der Stelle, an alle!
Say NO – UNiTE to End Violence against Women is a global call for action.
Say NO records what individuals, organizations and governments worldwide are doing to end violence against women. The goal is to reach 1 million actions by November 2010. Whether you volunteer at a shelter, donate, reach out to students or advocate for better policies – every action counts.
Let us count you in.
Your voice matters. Tell governments that you want them to make ending violence against women a top priority. More than 5 million people already signed on to Say NO. Add your name to this powerful call to take one action now and stay informed.
Weitere Infos: http://www.myspace.com/nicolekidman#ixzz143WMj4om
Ich finde das ne sehr gute und wichtige Aktion!! Ja und auf diesem Wege möcht ich eben meinen Beitrag dazu leisten. (Siehe Unten.)
Kuckt es Eucht an.
Ganz liebe und sonnige Grüße an der Stelle, an alle!
Say NO – UNiTE to End Violence against Women is a global call for action.
Say NO records what individuals, organizations and governments worldwide are doing to end violence against women. The goal is to reach 1 million actions by November 2010. Whether you volunteer at a shelter, donate, reach out to students or advocate for better policies – every action counts.
Let us count you in.
Your voice matters. Tell governments that you want them to make ending violence against women a top priority. More than 5 million people already signed on to Say NO. Add your name to this powerful call to take one action now and stay informed.
Weitere Infos: http://www.myspace.com/nicolekidman#ixzz143WMj4om
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